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Friday, August 5, 2011

Warhammer Online Addon - DPSMeter 1.0.1a

This addon will track the damage you deal and calculates your DPS.

This is done with an Event unlike Tortalls DPSMeter which parses the combatlog. While this does not allow to track mitigation and absorb values, it can track your DPS and the damage per ability, as well as Block/Parry/Dodge/Disrupt/Crit values.

It can also track how many abilities got absorbed completely. And it got a better performance then parsing the combatlog, so that it doesn't affect your framerate as much.

To show the window you can use LibSlash and/or LibAddonButton.

The LibSlash commands are: "/dpsmeter" and if not yet registered by another addon "/dps".

If you don't have any of those installed you can use the script command: "/script DPSMeter.ShowWindow()" to access the main window.

At the moment the addon tracks the following stats:
- Overall Damage
- Overall Heal
- Average Damage
- Average Heal
- Minimum Damage
- Minimum Heal
- Maximum Damage
- Maximum Heal
- Crits
- Hits
- Heals
- Block
- Parry
- Dodge
- Disrupt
- Absorb (just hits which got absorbed completely)

All of this stats are also available as a per ability view.


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